Cardabilities posted new sketch #116 yesterday and it looks great!! February is almost here and we all know what is typical for it - Valentine's day, of course!
I'm not a big fan of this day, but it doesn't ever go unnoticed ;)
And the sketch is full of hearts and full of love, too. I've got new papers and embellishments from organizatorka.sk and it fits well with this sketch, so I started creating card full all hearts (look at the big cut heart - there are looots of mini-hearts) ;)
I was working with paper from beautiful paper collection Sweet Paris (Dovecraft). I made a white butterfly relief with modelling paste and template. Then I started decorating a card with a paper heart (cut on my X-press), paper flowers, wooden chipboards, paper rose, pearls, mini butterflies and other embellishments. At the end I made stains with silver pigment paint.
I was working with paper from beautiful paper collection Sweet Paris (Dovecraft). I made a white butterfly relief with modelling paste and template. Then I started decorating a card with a paper heart (cut on my X-press), paper flowers, wooden chipboards, paper rose, pearls, mini butterflies and other embellishments. At the end I made stains with silver pigment paint.
Cardabilities včera zverejnili nový sketch číslo 116 a vyzerá skvele!! Február je tu čo nevidieť (zajtra :D ) a všetci vieme, čo je preň typické - predsa Deň svätého Valentína!
Nie som veľký fanúšik tohto dňa, ale určite nezostane nikdy bez povšimnutia ;)
Najnovší sketch je teda plný sŕdc a lásky. V minulom príspevku som Vám ukázala, akú úžasnú nádielku mi Maťka poslala a veľa vecí som použila aj pri tvorbe: papier z kolekcie Sweet Paris, šablónu na mixed media, drevený výrez z kolekcie Sweet Paris, chipboardové visačky z kolekcie Sweet Paris, kvietky z kolekcie Curiosity Corner, bavlnenú stužku z kolekcie Santoro Mirabelle, hnedú ružičku, samolepiace perličky z kolekcie Sweet Paris, striebornú pigmentovú farbu IZINK, zelenú rozetku z kolekcie Curiosity Corner, prírodne bielu bakers twine šnúrku, samolepiacu dekoračnú pásku z PVC s motívom písma, kovový komponent a štipček.
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Thank you for visiting my blog and have a nice weekend!
Ďakujem Vám za návštevu a majte krásny víkend!
Kristína ;)
Ak by ste si pohľadnicu chceli zakúpiť, klik SEM ;)
Thank you for visiting my blog and have a nice weekend!
Ďakujem Vám za návštevu a majte krásny víkend!
Kristína ;)
- 1/31/2015 03:28:00 PM