Eco-scrapbooking: Darček k 70.narodeninám
5/29/2020 07:31:00 PM
Darček k 70. narodeninám sa vyberá veľmi ťažko a každý chce potešiť seniora niečím jedinečným, osobným. Ručná práca, jedinečné detaily, krásne venovanie a dokonca aj kópia vzácnej fotografie. To všetko nájdete v tomto milom papierovom darčeku.
Hello everyone!
I hope you are doing well and you are also spending time with creating. I created this birthday gift to a wonderful woman, which celebrates 70th birthday! Wow, what a beautiful age! I decorated a box from Eco-scrapbooking e-shop with papers, flowers and shaker. And I made a card, too. It's very romantic, with lots of flowers and laces. Inside there is an old photo of this madam with a nice words from family. I hope you will like it. :)
Hello everyone!
I hope you are doing well and you are also spending time with creating. I created this birthday gift to a wonderful woman, which celebrates 70th birthday! Wow, what a beautiful age! I decorated a box from Eco-scrapbooking e-shop with papers, flowers and shaker. And I made a card, too. It's very romantic, with lots of flowers and laces. Inside there is an old photo of this madam with a nice words from family. I hope you will like it. :)
Krabička aj s pohľadnicou je vytvorená z hnedého kraft papiera (krabička je od značky Eco-scrapbooking) a dozdobená kolekciou Holy&White od Laserowe Love, ktorá je univerzálnou kolekciou k akejkoľvek príležitosti. Vytvorila som na nich mnoho vrstiev pomocou papiera, ilustrácií, čipiek a papierových kvetov pre krásny efekt. Vrchnáčik krabičky som dozdobila hrkálkou plnenou drobnými ozdôbkami a flitrami.
Rada vám takýto papierový darček vyrobím na mieru, stačí ma kontaktovať na môj e-mail
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